A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
Central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotics simulation in Unity.
翻译 - 用于Unity中机器人仿真的工具,教程,资源和文档的中央存储库。
ROS-Industrial Universal Robots support (https://wiki.ros.org/universal_robot)
翻译 - ROS工业通用机器人支持(http://wiki.ros.org/universal_robot)
URDF Loaders for Unity and THREE.js with example ATHLETE URDF Files open sourced from NASA JPL
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome robot descriptions (URDF, MJCF)
visualize URDF/XACRO file, URDF Viewer works on Windows/MacOS/Linux
Python inverse kinematics based on Pinocchio
Access 100+ robot descriptions from the main Python robotics frameworks
#计算机科学#A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulate...
Experimental packages for KUKA manipulators within ROS-Industrial (http://wiki.ros.org/kuka_experimental)
Open-source diff drive robot ROS 2 compatible
A generalized inverse kinematics solver that supports closed chains for parallel kinematics systems, dynamic reconfiguration, and arbitrary joint configuration based on damped least squares error mini...
Multibody Dynamics Library designed for Free Floating Robots
ROS-Industrial Fanuc support (http://wiki.ros.org/fanuc)
adam implements a collection of algorithms for calculating rigid-body dynamics in Jax, CasADi, PyTorch, and Numpy.