Central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotics simulation in Unity.
翻译 - 用于Unity中机器人仿真的工具,教程,资源和文档的中央存储库。
ROS package used to create an endpoint to accept ROS messages sent from a Unity scene using the ROS TCP Connector scripts
A warehouse environment for robotics simulation in Unity.
Simulating a LIDAR in unity and publishing that data on a ROS topic
Executing SLAM gmapping in Unity ROS setup
This repository will show how to install Unity-Robotics -Hub to send messages into a TCP-server and subscribe to the messages using ROS2. Example for reading positional x,y & z and rotational q1,q2 & ...
This is how I'm keeping track of my progress in my master's thesis. Please beware that this is not yet a finished product.