A complete and graceful API for Wechat. 微信个人号接口、微信机器人及命令行微信,三十行即可自定义个人号机器人。
Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
翻译 - 适用于机器人技术,无人机和物联网(IoT)的Golang框架
A build-it-yourself, 6-wheel rover based on the rovers on Mars!
翻译 - 基于火星探测器的自行打造的6轮流浪者!
Access serial ports with JavaScript. Linux, OSX and Windows. Welcome your robotic JavaScript overlords. Better yet, program them!
Let's upgrade cheap off-the-shelf robotic mowers to modern, smart RTK GPS based lawn mowing robots!
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
翻译 - Mobile基于Mobiledetect的PHP桌面/移动用户代理解析器,支持Laravel
翻译 - 💬基于Web API的最佳微信机器人!
Webots Robot Simulator
翻译 - Webots机器人模拟器
#Awesome#Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace.
翻译 - 让我们一起构建一个完整的开源机器人开发环境
AI-powered Smart Robotic Process Automation 🤖
翻译 - 开源RPA🤖机器人过程自动化
#安卓#OpenBot leverages smartphones as brains for low-cost robots. We have designed a small electric vehicle that costs about $50 and serves as a robot body. Our software stack for Android smartphones suppo...
翻译 - OpenBot利用智能手机作为低成本机器人的大脑。我们设计了一款小型电动车,售价约50美元,可以用作机器人主体。我们用于Android智能手机的软件堆栈支持高级机器人工作负载,例如人员追踪和实时自主导航。
Stanford Doggo is an open source quadruped robot that jumps, flips, and trots!
翻译 - Stanford Doggo是一款开源的四足机器人,可以跳跃,翻转和小跑!
#大语言模型#HuixiangDou: Overcoming Group Chat Scenarios with LLM-based Technical Assistance
Central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotics simulation in Unity.
翻译 - 用于Unity中机器人仿真的工具,教程,资源和文档的中央存储库。