Software localization (also spelled "localisation", often abbreviated to l10n — this is a numeronym, where the “10” stands for the 10 letters between the first letter “l” and the last letter “n”) means translation of a software interface and messages to another language plus adaptation of some formats (e.g. measures, dates and currency) plus adaptation to local cultures.
The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl.
翻译 - 国际化React应用程序。这个库提供了React组件和一个API,用于格式化日期,数字和字符串,包括复数形式和处理翻译。
Netflix-level subtitle cutting, translation, alignment, and even dubbing - one-click fully automated AI video subtitle team | Netflix级字幕切割、翻译、对齐、甚至加上配音,一键全自动视频搬运AI字幕组
#IOS#The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
翻译 - Humanizer满足您.NET对操纵和显示字符串,枚举,日期,时间,时间跨度,数字和数量的所有需求。
List of 127 languages for Laravel Framework, Laravel Jetstream, Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova, Laravel Spark and Laravel UI.
翻译 - Laravel 5、6和7的75种语言列表
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
翻译 - 制图师是一个系统,可跨多个平台和传感器配置以2D和3D形式提供实时同时定位和制图(SLAM)。
🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
Web based localization tool with tight version control integration.
翻译 - 基于Web的本地化工具,具有紧密的版本控制集成。
A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data
Web component extensions to the standard <time> element.
翻译 - Web组件对标准<time>元素的扩展。
Extraordinary JavaScript UI framework with unique declarative and functional architecture
Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4]( ...
翻译 - Laravel 7具有用户身份验证,电子邮件确认注册,社交媒体身份验证,密码恢复和验证码保护功能。使用官方的[Bootstrap 4](。这也充分利用了用于路由的控制器,用于视图的模板,并充分利用了中间件进行路由。项目可以在几分钟内站起来。
#安卓#RTAB-Map library and standalone application
翻译 - RTAB-Map library and standalone application
Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!
翻译 - 用于Next.js的i18n工具10🌍-加载页面翻译并以简单的方式使用它们!
Provides access to the localization data of the ICU library
翻译 - C intl扩展的PHP替换层,还提供对ICU库的本地化数据的访问。
Developer & translator friendly web-based localization platform
A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.
Ever® Traduora™ - Open Translation Management Platform -
翻译 - 团队翻译管理平台
#算法刷题#cpp implementation of robotics algorithms including localization, mapping, SLAM, path planning and control
翻译 - cpp实现机器人算法,包括定位,映射,SLAM,路径规划和控制