Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4]( ...
翻译 - Laravel 7具有用户身份验证,电子邮件确认注册,社交媒体身份验证,密码恢复和验证码保护功能。使用官方的[Bootstrap 4](。这也充分利用了用于路由的控制器,用于视图的模板,并充分利用了中间件进行路由。项目可以在几分钟内站起来。
Render avatars with dynamic, defined fallback
Libravatar library for Nim, Gravatar alternative. Libravatar is an open source free federated avatar api & service.
Developed a messaging chat room website like Slack using a LAMP stack, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL.
Web-Based Project Feedback Forum
Grab Gravatar profile from email input -
Squeak implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
Pharo implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
Looks up Gravatar profile pictures via an email, good for easily grabbing and downloading your own avatar if you don't have access to it anymore.
F# implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
Racket implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
Clojure implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
Newspeak implementation to interact with the Gravatar API. Useful example for new users
This Package will help you to Generate Gravatar URL's with Laravel.
Upload your gravatar image to discord automatically using selenium.
Create a developer profile/portfolio, share posts and get help from other developers
Web-Based Chat Application using web sockets that allows multiple users to have realtime conversation, Authentication using Github OAuth. Seperate Go Routines for Sending and recieving msgs. Also User...
#博客#Blogging website created using Ruby on Rails