Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4]( ...
翻译 - Laravel 7具有用户身份验证,电子邮件确认注册,社交媒体身份验证,密码恢复和验证码保护功能。使用官方的[Bootstrap 4](。这也充分利用了用于路由的控制器,用于视图的模板,并充分利用了中间件进行路由。项目可以在几分钟内站起来。
OAuth 2.0 social authentication providers for ASP.NET Core
翻译 - 用于ASP.NET Core的OAuth2社交身份验证提供程序
Spring Boot React OAuth2 Social Login with Google, Facebook, and Github
翻译 - Spring Boot使用Google,Facebook和Github进行OAuth2社交登录
#IOS#A Swift & iOS framework to authenticate using Auth0 and with a Native Look & Feel
OpenID 2.0 authentication middleware for ASP.NET Core
This is a user registration and login web-app created using Python, Django
Python Social Auth support for Graphene Django
This repository contains a Spring Boot 3 project that demonstrates how to secure an API with OAuth 2.0 and provide social login using GitHub, Google, and Facebook.
🔒 NestJS GraphQL Social Auth implementation supporting multiple social providers
Social authentication module for Angular 5. Includes Facebook and Google login with AOT compatibility.
A MVC skeleton for quick starting neat node web apps. Contains social-auth and basic CRUD.
Django base template with clean and production ready bootstrap4 UI, with all social authentication flows included
Tinder for gym bros. Making this with Python 3, Django 2, and PostgreSQL.
This is built on Laravel Framework 5.5. This was built for demonstrate purpose.
#安卓#Cross platform mobile app built with ionic 3 to demonstrate security, social authentication and realtime data in modern mobile apps, using the ionic framework and firebase.
Easy social network authorization for iOS. Supports Facebook, Vkontakte and Instagramm
#区块链#BuzzPod is decentralized platform to find and upload podcasts.
Lookup project to see how authentication with email, username, password and social accounts work in REST inside django framework