👻 A minimalistic, responsive, vanilla JavaScript library to show toast notifications.
翻译 - minimal一个简约,响应迅速的原始JavaScript库,用于显示吐司通知。
🖖 Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+
Highly customizable jquery plugin to show toast messages
react-redux-toastr is a toastr message implemented with Redux
👀 toastr.js notifications for Laravel
Svelte toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application
The main repository for PHPFlasher, a PHP library that makes it easy to add customizable notification messages to your web applications. Supports Laravel, Symfony, and standalone use. This monoreposit...
Asp.Net Core abstraction for server side rendered toast notifications using toast.js or noty.js. Supports AJAX calls as well.
Point of sales proof of concept developed using Asp.Net Core 2.2. Features: Customer, Vendor, Product, Purchase Order, Goods Receive, Sales Order, Inventory Transactions and POS form.
Vuejs Toast : Plugin and Component Capability.
Small non-blocking notification library. No dependencies
Yii2-notification-wrapper module renders a message from session flash (with ajax, pjax support and etc.) through Growl, Noty, Toastr and more libraries
[READ-ONLY] A PHP library that simplifies adding notification messages to web projects using the Flasher API.
A easy to use toastr plugin inspired by CodeSeven/toastr made without jquery with pure vue.js
Elegant notifications to laravel with Toastr or PNotify