Vue前台 + Django3.1 + DjangoRestful Framework + Ant Design Pro V4 开发的二手书商城网站及后台管理
Integrate React & Django
链喵 CMDB 本项目已停止开发!因长时间未对代码进行维护,可能会造成项目在不同环境上无法部署、运行BUG等问题,请知晓!项目仅供参考!
A news curator and newsletter subscription package for Django
NearBeach is an open sourced project management tool, helping you keep track of your project. You can track requirements, projects and tasks
This Django User Model is customised user model keeping in mind the practical need (esp. in India)
Django 2 and Python 3: Tango With Django 2 Code Repository (for book 2020-01a)
翻译 - Tango with Django 2 版本 2020-01a 的模型解决方案。
A rapid fire tutorial and introduction of Django Channels. To get more in depth check out the full course
#安卓#这是一个 ☛全栈/全端/全平台☚ 的B2C模式的电商项目, web后台基于Django2.0 + Python3.6, 前后端分离,前端使用Vue框架开发。移动端基于Flutter开发,一套代码支持Android&IOS平台。微信小程序基于mpvue框架开发。
Project Template for Django + Bootstrap3 + pre-configured apps (like Allauth, django_compressor ). Probably the fastest way to start up a complete Django project.
⚡️Django middleware to automatically send preload headers before views runs, enabling faster HTTP2 server-push (with CSP support).