Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
翻译 - Cookiecutter Django是一个框架,用于快速启动可立即投入生产的Django项目。
Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
翻译 - Celery分布式任务队列的实时监控器和Web管理员
自动化运维平台: 代码及应用部署CI/CD、资产管理CMDB、计划任务管理平台、SQL审核|回滚、任务调度、站内WIKI
Messaging library for Python.
翻译 - 适用于Python的消息传递库。
Django 5, React, Bootstrap 5 with Python 3 and Webpack project boilerplate
翻译 - Django,React,带有Python 3的Bootstrap 4和Webpack项目样板
Querybook is a Big Data Querying UI, combining collocated table metadata and a simple notebook interface.
翻译 - Querybook是一个大数据查询UI,结合了并置的表元数据和简单的笔记本界面。
Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM
Wechat Management System
翻译 - 微信管理系统
A production ready example Django app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
《Python Web开发实战》书中源码
An information security preparedness tool to do adversarial simulation.
RedBeat is a Celery Beat Scheduler that stores the scheduled tasks and runtime metadata in Redis.
🦀 Rust implementation of Celery for producing and consuming background tasks
pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想...
My sexy Django + python-telegram-bot + Celery + Redis + Postgres + Dokku + GitHub Actions template