KCP是一个快速可靠协议,能以比 TCP 浪费 10%-20% 的带宽的代价,换取平均延迟降低 30%-40%,且最大延迟降低三倍的传输效果。纯算法实现,并不负责底层协议(如UDP)的收发,需要使用者自己定义下层数据包的发送方式,以 callback的方式提供给 KCP。 连时钟都需要外部传递进来,内部不会有任何一次系统调用。
**ack 2 is no longer being maintained. ack 3 is the latest version.**
pip install funboost,python全功能分布式函数调度框架,funboost的功能是全面性重量级,用户能想得到的功能99%全都有;funboost的使用方式是轻量级,只有@boost一行代码需要写。支持python所有类型的并发模式和一切知名消息队列中间件,支持如 celery dramatiq等框架整体作为funboost中间件,python函数加速器,框架包罗万象,用户能想...
Packet acknowledgement system for UDP
💓 Perform TCP handshake without ACK in Go, useful for health check, that is SYN, SYN-ACK, RST.
CROSS LIB - A universal 8-bit library and some games built with it
UniversalCodeGrep (ucg) is an extremely fast grep-like tool specialized for searching large bodies of source code.
Alibaba Cloud Karpenter Provider
#编辑器#GUI of indexed grep in Windows and Linux. A source code indexing tool, near instant code search tool and navigation
A PowerShell script to provide functionality similar to grep or ack with highlighting.
Terraform to create Kubernetes clusters on multiple public cloud platforms (Aliyun, AWS, Azure, DO, GCP, OCI)
#计算机科学#ACK service controller for Amazon SageMaker