KCP是一个快速可靠协议,能以比 TCP 浪费 10%-20% 的带宽的代价,换取平均延迟降低 30%-40%,且最大延迟降低三倍的传输效果。纯算法实现,并不负责底层协议(如UDP)的收发,需要使用者自己定义下层数据包的发送方式,以 callback的方式提供给 KCP。 连时钟都需要外部传递进来,内部不会有任何一次系统调用。
HOMER - 100% Open-Source SIP, VoIP, RTC Packet Capture & Monitoring
#安卓#🛰️ A versatile WebRTC pre-compiled Android library that reflects the recent WebRTC updates to facilitate real-time video chat for Android and Compose.
📚 WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) 中文教程
dWebRTC Video Meetings MESH/SFU hybrid using GunDB, MediaSoup and Beyond!
Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks
#Awesome#🛰️ A curated list of awesome Real Time Communications resources
Arduino Library for RTCs, Ds1302, Ds1307, Ds3231, Ds3232, Ds3234 and Pcf8563/BM8563 with deep support. Please refer to the Wiki for more details. Please use the Github Discussions to ask questions as...
#安卓#Jitsi Meet mobile SDK examples (Android, iOS and React Native)
An Arduino library for setting and retrieving internal RTC time on ESP32 boards
HOMER 7.x Front-End and API Server
A Jupyter Server Extension Providing Support for Y Documents
Communicates between Arduino-programmed AVR and Maxim DS3231 RTC: splice of Ayars' (http://hacks.ayars.org/2011/04/ds3231-real-time-clock.html) and Jeelabs/Ladyada's (https://github.com/adafruit/RTCli...
SimpleMenu frontend for Miyoo Mini