Custom firmware source code and resources for BittBoy, PocketGo, PowKiddy V90-Q90-Q20 and third party handheld consoles
SimpleMenu frontend for Miyoo Mini
Onionscraper is a bash script to generate game artwork for the Miyoo Mini running OnionOS. The game data scraping is done with Skyscraper.
Sample app for Miyoo Mini in Python / Пример приложения для Miyoo Mini на Python
AdjLCD - MinUI Tool Paks for controlling Miyoo Mini + Mini Plus screens
An app to allow testing internet speed on the miyoo mini plus
A minimalist, clean theme for Onion OS emulators inspired by GamePal on iOS
ClearRecent - MinUI Tool Pak for editing the Recently Played list of a Miyoo Mini/Mini Plus
A dotfile cleaner for MiniUI/DotUI launchers on the Miyoo Mini