A light-on-dark color scheme —also called black mode, dark mode, dark theme, night mode, or lights-out — is a color scheme that uses light-colored text, icons, and graphical user interface elements on a dark background. It is often discussed in terms of computer user interface design and web design.
#十六进制编辑器# ImHex 是一个十六进制编辑器,用于逆向工程师解码、显示和分析二进制数据格式、提取信息或写入字节补丁的工具。
#React UI# 一个功能丰富的 React UI组件库。超过 100+ 组件,和40+hooks能满足你的各种需求
Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
翻译 - Dark Reader Chrome和Firefox扩展
#UI框架# Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
翻译 - 语义 HTML 的最小 CSS 框架
现代、全面、灵活的设计系统和 UI 库。 快速搭建美观的React 应用。
Perfect Next.js dark mode in 2 lines of code. Support System preference and any other theme with no flashing
翻译 - 两行代码完美实现Next.js黑暗模式。支持系统首选项和任何其他主题,且不闪烁
Production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps.
A distraction-free and highly customizable theme for Obsidian.
翻译 - 精心设计,让 Obsidian 在台式机、手机和平板电脑上都感觉很原生。您可以使用配套插件 Minimal Theme Settings 自定义颜色、字体等。
#UI框架# Halfmoon is a highly customizable, drop-in Bootstrap replacement. It comes with three built-in core themes, with dark mode support for all themes and components.
翻译 - 具有内置暗模式的前端框架,旨在快速构建漂亮的仪表板和产品页面。
todo.txt manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS, free and open-source (FOSS)
翻译 - sleek是一个基于todo.txt的todo应用程序,适用于Linux,Windows和MacOS,免费且开源。
#博客# Beautiful and clean Ghost theme that is easy and comfortable to use. To get the latest version please head over the releases page 👉🏼
翻译 - 美观,干净的Ghost主题,易于使用且舒适。要获取最新版本,请访问发布页面👉🏼
A powerful, lightweight theme for Hugo built with Tailwind CSS.
翻译 - 使用 Tailwind CSS 构建的简单、轻量级的 Hugo 主题。
#博客# 🧸 A Hugo theme based on »Bear Blog«. Free, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging. This theme now includes a dark color scheme to support dark mode 🦉 ⬛️!
React UI components of the Yamada, by the Yamada, for the Yamada built with React and Emotion.
Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS)
翻译 - WhatsApp桌面正式版的暗模式(Windows和macOS)
#博客# A fast, responsive, multipurpose and feature-rich Hugo theme.
A simple links theme for Hugo built with Tailwind CSS.
A minimal Hugo theme with nice theme color. | 一个主题色极简 Hugo 主题。
#UI框架# A lightweight front-end component library for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
翻译 - 轻量级的前端组件库,用于开发快速而强大的Web界面。