#GitHub 浏览器插件#一个黑暗主题风格的 GitHub 插件
Stylus - Userstyles Manager
📚 Dark theme for Stack Overflow & most Stack Exchange network sites
🎓 Dark Wikipedia
翻译 - :mortar_board:黑暗维基百科
Complete, dark and light, very customizable theme for WhatsApp.
翻译 - 适用于WhatsApp的完整,深色和浅色,非常可定制的主题。
A customizable full dark theme for Firefox. You can also add extra functions using the CSS and JS files here apart from the theme.
A beatiful dark blue userstyle for GItHub. Made with ❤️
翻译 - GItHub的美丽的深蓝色用户样式。用:心:
⭐ Website to browse and share UserCSS userstyles. A modern replacement for UserStyles.org made by the userstyles community.
A search engine style for bilibili home page | b站仿搜索引擎样式首页风格
🌙 😎 Jira Dark Theme Usercss / Stylus
Dark theme for Google Calendar.
A Material Dark Theme for GitHub
A darker theme for qBittorrent WebUI (ispired by Cozzy's theme: userstyles.org/styles/152766)
我的一些 userjs & usercss
Very customizable dark theme for GitLab and self-hosted GitLab instances. Mirror of gitlab.com/vednoc/dark-gitlab
一系列方便实用的用户样式表,如使用思源黑体或微软雅黑替换网页字体,适用于 Stylus、TM、油猴等浏览器扩展。 Various handy stylesheets like replacing web fonts with Source Han Sans or Microsoft YaHei, applicable to browser extensions such as Stylus, Ta...