🌌 NIGHT OWL: A VS Code dark theme for contrast for nighttime coding, 🦉 LIGHT OWL: a daytime light theme
An inky color scheme for prose and code.
Material Design icons for VS Code
🦌 Soothing pastel theme for VSCode & Azure Data Studio
Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
翻译 - Atom的Visual Studio Code标志性的“一个黑暗”主题
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.
Cute anime character themes for VS-Code.
VSCode theme for all Jetbrains IDEs
🦄 Shades of Purple offers a hand-picked selection of bold and vibrant shades of purple that will transform your code into a visually stunning masterpiece. With its carefully crafted color palette, th...
翻译 - Purple紫色阴影-一个专业主题,带有精选的和大胆的紫色阴影,可与您的VSCode一起使用。经过数位设计师的审查,并发布了75多个主题版本以保持更新。 VS Code Marketplace上评分最高的最佳VSCode主题之一。下载→
#编辑器#🧑🏾🚀 One Theme to Rule Them All 🌈
🎨 A beautifully warm dual theme for Visual Studio Code
An opinionated minimalistic VS Code theme for JavaScript
Easily generate themes for VS Code with only a few colors
翻译 - 只需几种颜色即可轻松生成VS Code主题
Enable Acrylic/Glass effect for your VS Code.
Solidity language support and visual security auditor for Visual Studio Code
A light theme for Visual Studio Code