An inky color scheme for prose and code.
Configurations for the tools I use every day
A beautiful config generator for Ghostty terminal.
革 | kaku - Elegant NixOS rice centered around the Niri tiling window manager. A minimalist, functional environment built with the philosophy of constant refinement and transformation. This dotfiles co...
My personal dotfiles: Zsh, Git, VSCode, WezTerm, etc.
#编辑器#Color scheme inspired by JetBrains IDEs.
This shader is what I use on the Ghostty terminal. It adds chromatic aberration, glow, scanlines and dot matrix for an authentic CRT look.
Tree-sitter grammar for Ghostty configuration files
#编辑器#Custom dotfile configurations and settings
A barebones CLI tool for saving custom generated Ghostty icons to file.
Infrastructure for NixOS, flakes and home manager ❄️