✉️ Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks -- IRC: #neomutt on irc.libera.chat
翻译 - :email:教老狗新技巧-IRC:irc.freenode.net上的#neomutt
Read/sync your IMAP mailboxes (python2) [LEGACY: move to offlineimap3]
#编辑器#Dotfiles for unix, managed by GNU stow.
A mutt configuration file ready for Office 365
#编辑器#If there is a shell, there is a way!
#编辑器#My vim, zsh, tmux, and macOS dotfiles
Mutt and terminal url selector (similar to urlview)
My personal dotfiles for most of the programs I use on a daily basis.
#编辑器#🖥 🛠 My macOS and GNU+Linux settings and dotfiles
Little codes here and there to automate some of my boring daily routines and configurations
Simple viewer for ics in mutt
#编辑器#Color scheme for multiple code editors and terminals
#编辑器#❤ ~/.🛠🐈 the daily jam 🍞🥜🍇🍞
#编辑器#My dotfiles
Dotfiles and some scripts for NeoMutt
#编辑器#Dotfiles for Vim, Neovim, i3-gaps, NeoMutt, Bash, … 🐧
#编辑器#My Dotfiles
#编辑器#🎨 Vim on steroids for keyboard lovers
Query macOS contacts from the command line