为 iTerm /iTerm2 提供了上百种终端颜色方案 / 主题,同时还涵盖了对众多其他终端、编辑器等的适配,包括但不限于 Terminal、Konsole、PuTTY、Xresources、XRDB、Remmina、Termite、XFCE、Tilda、FreeBSD VT、Terminator、Kitty、MobaXterm、LXTerminal、Microsoft's Windows Terminal、Visual Studio、Alacritty 等,以满足不同用户在不同环境下对终端颜色个性化定制的需求。
Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
翻译 - 基于Angular 8+的可定制管理仪表板模板
✍ It has never been so easy to document your things!
翻译 - to记录您的东西从未如此简单!
Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with 💛🩷💙🖤❤️🤍
Documentation that simply works
翻译 - MkDocs的材质设计主题
😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
Google's Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net.
翻译 - 适用于C#和VB.Net的XAML和WPF中的Google Material Design。
The configuration framework for Zsh
Tomorrow Theme
翻译 - 明天主题现在位于https://github.com/chriskempson/base16
Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
翻译 - :triangular_ruler:Jekyll主题,用于构建个人站点,博客,项目文档或投资组合。
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
翻译 - 学者们的美丽杰基尔主题
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
翻译 - CoreUI是免费的引导管理模板
Vira Theme is the official successor of the popular Material Theme. This premium version is actively maintained, includes hand-curated icons and more features
翻译 - 材质主题,Mattia Astorino撰写的Sublime Text 3最史诗般的主题
Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
翻译 - 自定义Jupyter笔记本主题