为 iTerm /iTerm2 提供了上百种终端颜色方案 / 主题,同时还涵盖了对众多其他终端、编辑器等的适配,包括但不限于 Terminal、Konsole、PuTTY、Xresources、XRDB、Remmina、Termite、XFCE、Tilda、FreeBSD VT、Terminator、Kitty、MobaXterm、LXTerminal、Microsoft's Windows Terminal、Visual Studio、Alacritty 等,以满足不同用户在不同环境下对终端颜色个性化定制的需求。
:metal: The biggest collection of themes for Terminator terminal.
🕶️ A relaxed terminal theme to take a more relaxed view of things. For iTerm, Hyper, the macOS Terminal and a bunch of others.
Remap arrow keys to ijkl and make use of caps lock
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Terminator color theme.
#编辑器#configuration for manjaro linux
A theme for Linux desktops.
A Visual Nintendo GameBoy using HTML, CSS, Javascript & WebComponents 👾
#编辑器#🔧 ~/. dotfiles for Arch Linux
🕹️ Final project for the 2nd year of college.
A color theme for terminator using Pavel Pertsev's vim gruvbox color scheme
🦣 Soothing pastel theme for Terminator
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