Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
翻译 - 标志性的字体聚合器,集合和修补程序。 3,600多种图标,50多种修补字体:Hack,Source Code Pro等。字形集合:令人敬畏的字体,材质设计图标,Octicons等
#Awesome#The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉
翻译 - 适用于所有事物的最佳设计工具和插件👉
Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, built-in with Font Awesome icons.
Collection of Free English/Chinese Fonts for Commercial Use. 收录可商用的免费英文/汉字字体。
💅 Popular icon packs like Font Awesome, Material Design, and Octicons, available as React Styled Components
✔️Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier
翻译 - ✔️Font很棒的Bootstrap复选框和收音机。使输入看起来更漂亮的纯CSS方法
#IOS#Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
Angular Full Stack project built using Angular, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
翻译 - 使用Angular 2 +,Express,Mongoose和Node构建的Angular Full Stack项目。 TypeScript中的整个堆栈。
Free Bootstrap CDN hosting
DEPRECATED. A fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit
翻译 - 标志性字体和CSS工具包的分支
Flexible production-grade boilerplate with Next.js 11, Vercel and TypeScript. Includes multiple opt-in presets using Storybook, Airtable, GraphQL, Analytics, CSS-in-JS, Monitoring, End-to-end testing,...
翻译 - 具有Next.js 9,Vercel和TypeScript的灵活的生产级样板。包括使用Airtable,GraphQL,Analytics,CSS-in-JS,监视,端到端测试,国际化,CI / CD和SaaS B2B多单租户(monorepo)支持的多个选择加入的预设
YAAC: Another Awesome CV is a template using Font Awesome and Adobe Source Font.
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Simple animations using FontAwesome and some CSS3.
翻译 - 使用FontAwesome和一些CSS3的简单动画。
The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons
Brings Apple's vibrant emojis to your Linux experience
🎩 Font Awesome workflow for Alfred
#IOS#🎢Swift Library for Font Icons - ★ this library
#IOS#Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
✨ 基于vue 的管理后台,配合Blog.Core与Blog.Vue等多个项目使用