A payment application to demonstrate real-world usage of Cypress testing methods, patterns, and workflows.
翻译 - 一个支付应用程序,用于演示赛普拉斯测试方法,模式和工作流程在现实世界中的用法。
Various recipes for testing common scenarios with Cypress
翻译 - 赛普拉斯用于测试常见场景的各种配方
Get high-quality and customizable Gatsby themes to quickly bootstrap your website! Choose from many professionally created and impressive designs with a wide variety of features and customization opti...
翻译 - 获取高质量和可定制的Gatsby主题,以快速引导您的网站!从许多专业创建的令人印象深刻的设计中进行选择,这些设计具有多种功能和自定义选项。
The frontend for egghead.io.
翻译 - egghead.io的前端的下一个迭代。
GitHub Action for running Cypress end-to-end & component tests
This is an example app used to showcase Cypress.io testing.
翻译 - 这是一个用于展示Cypress.io测试的示例应用程序。
👻 A Snapchat clone built with React and Redux. Written in Typescript. Styled with SASS. Tested with Cypress, Jest and Enzyme. Linted with Eslint and formatted with Prettier!
翻译 - with使用React,Redux和Typescript构建的SnapChat克隆。 SASS风格。经过Cypress,Jest和Enzyme测试。抹上Eslint并用Prettier格式化!
Cypress Documentation for the Cypress App, API, Cypress Cloud, UI Coverage and Cypress Accessibility.
翻译 - 赛普拉斯文档,包括指南,API,插件,示例和常见问题解答。
Fire native system events from Cypress.