#前端开发#👻 A Snapchat clone built with React and Redux. Written in Typescript. Styled with SASS. Tested with Cypress, Jest and Enzyme. Linted with Eslint and formatted with Prettier!
翻译 - with使用React,Redux和Typescript构建的SnapChat克隆。 SASS风格。经过Cypress,Jest和Enzyme测试。抹上Eslint并用Prettier格式化!
A simple, fast and interruptable download accelerator, written in Rust
Full list of bad words and top swear words banned by Google.
🌄 Custom and Instagram like photo filter playground for CSS built with React
🐣 A simple and delightful way to track and manage TV shows.
#Awesome#🔖 A collection of FREE tools to get your side project off the ground, and fast!
A universal instagram clone built with Expo
翻译 - 用Expo构建的通用instagram克隆
#博客#Blog engine in Go (golang)
Cross-Browser Plugin to open Sci-Hub 🗝 page with the article from your current tab
#前端开发#Dead simple bookmarks
#Awesome#A curated list of checklists. Inspired by the awesome list thing.
A tool that help you pick time with friends. 一款幫助您和朋友喬時間的工具。
Instagram Clone Coding - Backend using Spring Framework
The easiest drag and drop website builder that generates clean code & gives everyone the freedom to host their website anywhere ✨
A self-hosting app to share secrets only one-time.
🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis!
Classic snake game built in Vanilla JavaScript using the Canvas API
Money - let's you manage your money and visualize where your money goes. Built using Ruby 2.3.0, Rails 4.2.5, Backbone and Bootstrap