A Quantum-Safe Secure Tunnel based on QPP, KCP, FEC, and N:M multiplexing.
翻译 - 基于具有N:M复用和FEC的KCP的稳定安全隧道。适用于ARM,MIPS,386和AMD64
GUI image optimizer for Mac
翻译 - 适用于Mac的GUI图像优化器
Jenkins X provides automated CI+CD for Kubernetes with Preview Environments on Pull Requests using Cloud Native pipelines from Tekton
翻译 - Jenkins X使用Tekton,Knative,Prow,Skaffold和Helm为带有请求请求的预览环境的Kubernetes提供自动化的CI + CD
Nydus - the Dragonfly image service, providing fast, secure and easy access to container images.
The AWS Secure Environment Accelerator is a tool designed to help deploy and operate secure multi-account, multi-region AWS environments on an ongoing basis. The power of the solution is the configura...