#安卓#Filament 是一款用C++开发的实时物理渲染引擎,主要针对Android和IOS,同时支持Windows, Linux, macOS, 以及 WebGL2
Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
翻译 - 跨平台,与图形API无关的“自带引擎/框架”样式渲染库。
A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.
#计算机科学#Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
翻译 - 针对cpu,gpu和专用加速器的开放式深度学习编译器堆栈
#游戏引擎#Cocos Engine 是一个用于构建 2D & 3D 实时渲染和交互内容,尤其是视频游戏的游戏引擎框架,可以部署到移动端、桌面端和网页端。 它继承自旧版 Cocos2d-x,具有重新设计的现代架构。
#安卓#The Forge Cross-Platform Framework PC Windows, Steamdeck (native), Ray Tracing, macOS / iOS, Android, XBOX, PS4, PS5, Switch, Quest 2
翻译 - Forge跨平台渲染框架PC,Linux,Ray Tracing,macOS / iOS,Android,XBOX,PS4,Switch,Stadia
Lightweight, high-performance HTML renderer for game and app developers.
翻译 - Ultralight —用于桌面应用程序和游戏的轻量级纯GPU HTML UI引擎。
#IOS#Code examples for new APIs of iOS 10.
#学习与技能提升#📚 Curated list of articles, tutorials and repos that may help you dig a little bit deeper into iOS [and Apple Platforms].
LYGIA, it's a granular and multi-language (GLSL, HLSL, WGSL, MSL and CUDA) shader library designed for performance and flexibility
#IOS#A GPU accelerated image and video processing framework built on Metal.