🦀 GPU memory allocator for Vulkan, DirectX 12 and Metal. Written in pure Rust
Combined Adaptive Compute Ambient Occlusion (CACAO)
XUSG, XU's supreme graphics lib, is a handy wrapper currently for DirectX 12. It can be a good reference for designing your own DX12 wrapper APIs.
Modern, flexible computer graphics and rendering engine, written in C++23 with support for Vulkan 🌋 and DirectX 12 ❎.
Backend agnostic descriptor allocator for Vulkan-like APIs
Demonstrating the advantages of using DirectStorage over standard file I/O asset loading. Includes the API and changes required to make such a pipeline work.
A rendering-framework for DX12 and Vulkan. Mostly intended for personal learning purposes and graphics demos
3D Renderers using DX12/Vulkan/OpenGL in C++
Experimental Game Engine