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3D engine with modern graphics
翻译 - 专注于现代渲染技术和性能的C ++游戏引擎。
#学习与技能提升#A brief computer graphics / rendering course
翻译 - 简短的计算机图形学/渲染课程
The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs and CPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.
A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
翻译 - 现代的跨平台低级图形库和渲染框架
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer.
A BVH implementation to speed up raycasting and enable spatial queries against three.js meshes.
#学习与技能提升#A brief computer graphics / rendering course
翻译 - 简短的计算机图形学/渲染课程
Learn computer graphics by writing GPU shaders!
翻译 - 通过编写GPU着色器来学习计算机图形学!
Real-time PathTracing with global illumination and progressive rendering, all on top of the Three.js WebGL framework. Click here for Live Demo:
SSGI, Motion Blur, TRAA - Effects to enhance your three.js scene's realism
Ray tracing examples and tutorials using VK_KHR_ray_tracing
翻译 - 使用VK_KHR_ray_tracing的光线跟踪示例和教程
Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh.
LuxCore source repository
#Awesome#Unreal Engine 5 Guide. Learn to develop games for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch.
A beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++.
翻译 - 在300行以下的C ++中,是一个对初学者友好的Vulkan路径跟踪教程。
Simple Open-source Ray Tracer