#学习与技能提升#A brief computer graphics / rendering course
翻译 - 简短的计算机图形学/渲染课程
#学习与技能提升#A brief computer graphics / rendering course
翻译 - 简短的计算机图形学/渲染课程
A toy physically based GPU path tracer (C++/OpenGL/GLSL)
LuxCore source repository
GPU Raytracer from scratch in C++/CUDA
Lighthouse 2 framework for real-time ray tracing
翻译 - 实时光线追踪的Lighthouse 2框架
#Awesome#🔺😎 A curated list of awesome stuff to learn computer graphics
Rust crate to implement a counterpart to the PBRT book's (3rd edition) C++ code. See also https://www.rs-pbrt.org/about ...
c-ray is a small, simple path tracer written in C
Blender Integration for LuxCore
Simple compile-time raytracer using C++17
Data visualisation and ray tracing in Python based on OptiX 8.1 framework.
Vulkan Real-time Path Tracer Engine
翻译 - Vulkan实时路径跟踪器引擎
A basic Ray Tracer that exploits numpy arrays and functions to work reasonably fast.
Physically based renderer with Path Tracing and Photon Mapping.
WebGL2.0 3D Engine - Global Illumination - RayTracing
A simple Wavefront OBJ viewer.
Real-time unidirectional GPU path tracer using the cross-vendor Vulkan ray-tracing extensions.
Ray tracer with phong lighting, reflections, refractions, normal mapping, procedural textures, super sampling, and depth of field.