Consul 是一个分布式,高可用的服务发现和服务配置微服务组件。具有服务发现、健康检查、Key/Value存储、多数据中心等特点。
#计算机科学#A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome.
翻译 - 精选的Amazon Web Services(AWS)库,开放源代码存储库,指南,博客和其他资源的精选列表。具有AWSome的火热仪。
Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more
翻译 - 游戏满足现代C ++的要求-快速可靠的实体组件系统(ECS)等
Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
翻译 - Entitas是专门用于C#和Unity的超快速实体组件系统(ECS)框架
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
翻译 - 为C89和C99编写的多线程实体组件系统
Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
翻译 - Docker和Kubernetes的监视,可视化和管理
#新手入门#This is the public roadmap for AWS container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, and EKS).
翻译 - 这是AWS容器服务(ECS,ECR,Fargate和EKS)的公开路线图。
Deployment scripts & config for Sock Shop
#Awesome#A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
A Rust framework for building Minecraft servers.
A PaaS built on top of Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
翻译 - 基于Amazon EC2容器服务(ECS)构建的PaaS
A Minecraft server implementation in Rust
A game engine with an emphasis on real-time cutting-edge solutions
Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
Private PaaS built on native AWS services for maximum privacy and minimum upkeep
翻译 - 基于本机AWS服务构建的私有PaaS,可最大程度地保护隐私和最小化维护