Stable Diffusion built-in to Blender
MB-Lab is a character creation tool for Blender 4.0 and above, based off ManuelBastioniLAB
翻译 - MB-Lab是基于ManuelBastioniLAB的Blender 2.80的角色创建工具
Building generation addon for blender
翻译 - 建立搅拌机的世代插件
Add-on for real-time collaboration in Blender.
翻译 - Blender中用于实时协作的附加组件。
Easily generate thousands of 3D models, images, and animation automatically in Blender for free with Blend_My_NFTs.
翻译 - 使用 Blend_My_NFT 在 Blender 中自动生成数千个 3D 模型、图像和动画 NFT。
blender python scripts
翻译 - 抄底怪物
realtime motion tracking in blender using mediapipe and rigify
翻译 - realtime motion tracking in blender using mediapipe and rigify
Blender addon that simplifies access to useful operators and adds missing functionality
🐵 Embark Addon for Blender
翻译 - 🐵搅拌机的Embark插件
Shot Manager is a Blender add-on that introduces a true shot entity in Blender scenes, as well as a wide and powerful set of tools to build and edit sequences in real-time directly in the 3D context.
翻译 - 镜头管理器是一个 Blender 插件,它在 Blender 场景中引入了一个真实的镜头实体,以及一套广泛而强大的工具,用于直接在 3D 上下文中实时构建和编辑序列。