Fake Blender Python API module collection for the code completion.
Building generation addon for blender
翻译 - 建立搅拌机的世代插件
Blender Add-on: Screencast Keys
Procedural modeling in Blender using Node Editor
Easily generate thousands of 3D models, images, and animation automatically in Blender for free with Blend_My_NFTs.
翻译 - 使用 Blend_My_NFT 在 Blender 中自动生成数千个 3D 模型、图像和动画 NFT。
Shader for Blender attempting to replicate the shading of Genshin Impact. These are for datamined assets, not custom-made ones nor the MMD variants.
Standalone client for managing official builds of Blender 3D
AnimAide is a free add-on for Blender that has some helpful tools for animation.
import mesh, skeleton, animation from psk, psa files to blender3d
Standalone client for managing official builds of Blender 3D
Create 3d rooms in blender from floorplans.
🐵 Embark Addon for Blender
翻译 - 🐵搅拌机的Embark插件
Plugin pack for exporting Koikatsu characters to Blender.
🛠️ A toolkit of 2D/3D distance functions, sdf/vector ops and various utility shader nodegroups (170+) for Blender 2.83+. Also available as an addon which adds a menu in the shader editor.
A Blender plugin for generative content creation and simulation of organic growth processes on polygonal surfaces.
Core packages of the COMPAS framework.
Blender add-on that creates lights based on where the user paints.
Blender Sushi related scripts. Mostly about Sverchok, Geometry Nodes, Animation Nodes, and related Python scripts.