Blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data
翻译 - Blender插件可在Blender和地理数据之间架起桥梁
Stable Diffusion built-in to Blender
A procedural Blender pipeline for photorealistic training image generation
翻译 - 用于生成逼真训练图像的程序化 Blender 管道
A suite of retopology tools for Blender
翻译 - 一套用于Blender的重新拓扑工具
Tutorials for making 3D-looking maps with Blender and QGIS
翻译 - 使用 Blender 和 QGIS 制作 3D 外观地图的教程
Building generation addon for blender
翻译 - 建立搅拌机的世代插件
Add-on for real-time collaboration in Blender.
翻译 - Blender中用于实时协作的附加组件。
MACHIN3tools is a free, continuously evolving collection of blender tools and pie menus in a single customizable package.
翻译 - MACHIN3tools是一个可定制的软件包,它是一个免费,不断发展的搅拌器工具和饼图菜单集合。
Create a 3D city from your GitHub contributions 🏙
Easily generate thousands of 3D models, images, and animation automatically in Blender for free with Blend_My_NFTs.
翻译 - 使用 Blend_My_NFT 在 Blender 中自动生成数千个 3D 模型、图像和动画 NFT。
PALLAIDIUM - a generative AI movie studio integrated in the Blender Video Editor.
blender python scripts
翻译 - 抄底怪物
realtime motion tracking in blender using mediapipe and rigify
翻译 - realtime motion tracking in blender using mediapipe and rigify
Blender addon that simplifies access to useful operators and adds missing functionality
Mirror of the official Blender Git repository. Updated every hour.
翻译 - 官方Blender Git存储库的镜像。每小时更新一次。
Sorting algorithms visualized using the Blender Python API.
🐵 Embark Addon for Blender
翻译 - 🐵搅拌机的Embark插件