CGL (C Game Library) is a multipurpose library mainly for recreational coding / demo scenes / prototyping / small games / experimentation.
2D/3D graphics engine written in C++ language. It currently supports the following graphics APIs: OpenGL 3.3+, Vulkan 1.2, DirectX 11. Its current purpose is to experiment with various CG concepts and...
Ray tracer with phong lighting, reflections, refractions, normal mapping, procedural textures, super sampling, and depth of field.
Isosurface extraction using Marching Cubes and pure WebGL.
Raytracing project in Unity for computer graphics graduate credit.
Vulkan GPU Framework for Graphics and Compute in Go, now developed at
High performance, Direct3D 11 based 3D renderer.
Ray Tracer in C++ with openGL.
Ray Tracer implementation in C++, Random Sample AA, multi-threading, bvh acceleration, temporal denoising, soft shadows, and runtime comparisons on different CPUs
☀️ ⚡ Ray tracer developed as final project for my computer graphics course at University Milano-Bicocca.
Ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light.
Explorable 3D Sierpinski tetrahedrons rendered using WebGL.
3D Modeling Graphics System (Win 3.1, Borland C++, 1996)
A 3D Real-Time Renderer using OpenGL and C++.
🔴 👄 a (vanilla ) WebGL poc-study with Raymarching & Phong Shading.
This project is an introduction to the beautiful world of Raytracing: to render simple Computer-Generated-Images and implement mathematical formulas.
3D ray caster of spheres with Phong reflection model.