CGL (C Game Library) is a multipurpose library mainly for recreational coding / demo scenes / prototyping / small games / experimentation.
#编辑器#Pylon IDE, a Cloud9 v2 descendant with some added extras and support for modern node >= 14.21.1 (v15.x, v16.x, v17.x, v18.x, v19.x, v20.x). OSS licensed.
Create and manage secure Cloud9 IDE private users using SystemD and Docker services.
#编辑器#Simple web ui for managing workspace of self-hosted Cloud9 IDE
#编辑器#Provides a code analyzer in Cloud9 IDE for WordPress development using PHP CodeSniffer (PHPCS) based on WordPress Coding Standards (WPCS) and PHPCompatibility rules.
Social network for share link and preview them (test) Ruby and rails
🌫️9️⃣️📖️ The official documentation source repository for Euphorium, an alternative to Cloud9/C9. Part of the UnSaaSS project.
🌫️9️⃣️💾️ The official source repository for Euphorium, an alternative to Cloud9/C9. Part of the UnSaaSS project.
Script aimed to upgrade environments of Cloud9 instances (php 7.2, mysql 5.7, ...) and install Laravel
C9 IO (AWS Cloud9 Amazon Webservice) harjoituksia ja uutta toimintaa, ja vähän sekä että eli backend sovelluksia, että Python erillinen oma toiminta
#编辑器#Provides integration with Ace code editor