#学习与技能提升#486 lines of C++: old-school FPS in a weekend
翻译 - 486行C ++:周末的老式FPS
Vulkan Real-time Path Tracer Engine
翻译 - Vulkan实时路径跟踪器引擎
Online Multiplayer Browser Game with Old-School Raycasting Graphics.
2D/3D graphics engine written in C++ language. It currently supports the following graphics APIs: OpenGL 3.3+, Vulkan 1.2, DirectX 11. Its current purpose is to experiment with various CG concepts and...
A simple RayCasting rendering tutorial for game development
#Cub3D: This project is a 3D game created from scratch written in C using an old graphic library mini-libx, presented with an old technology raycasting to make the 3D feeling looks pretty good
CamTools: Camera Tools for Computer Vision
#编辑器#This asset allows users to view raycasts as the user fires them.
A program with an implemented Monte Carlo Ray Tracer algorithm for global illumination of a virtual 3D scene.
SDL2 C++ raycasting engine with vertical movement, floor/ceiling texture mapping and sprites.
Raycasting engine that renders scene in HTML using React (no canvas) and renders as text in textarea or console 😅
An advanced ray-caster engine written in JavaScript from scratch, with zero dependencies