A tiny software graphics and game engine
翻译 - 微型软件图形和游戏引擎
A simple RayCasting rendering tutorial for game development
Golang raycaster engine using the Ebitengine 2D Game Library
A program with an implemented Monte Carlo Ray Tracer algorithm for global illumination of a virtual 3D scene.
Hierarchical Visibility for Virtual Reality, which implements a hybrid CPU/GPU ray-caster, suited for real time rendering of effects such as lens distortion.
Wolfenstein 3D, ray-casting FPS game I make to learn Haskell. No libraries used, rendering is done in terminal.
A Software Rendering Raycaster Engine written in C and SDL2.
A simple raycasting demonstration using SDL2
A photorealistic, realtime and GPU-based renderer written in Java
A toy raycasting engine in Go + Ebiten
The public repo of Retro FPS Studio (RFS), for educational reading and not for reuse. See license.
implementation of the Voxel Space rendering algorithm from the Comanche games
This is my AMIGA/PC Raycaster project. The main engine files are OS independent, so it can be easly adapted to OS that uses RGBA buffer rendering.
3D Raycast FPS Game on the TIC-80
PixelMek 3D is an unofficial BattleTech first person raycasted game using community contributed pixel mech artwork
A Ray Caster in Rust (+Webassembly)