#编辑器#Tiled 是一款通用瓦片地图编辑器,面向所有基于瓦片的游戏,如角色扮演游戏、平台游戏或打砖块类游戏。
A new Minecraft world editor and converter that supports all versions since Java 1.12 and Bedrock 1.7.
Map editor for pokeemerald, pokefirered, and pokeruby
A Python library for reading and writing the Minecraft save formats. See Amulet for the actual editor.
A map and tileset editor for pokecrystal, pokered, and projects based on them. Written in C++ with FLTK.
Online collaborative map editor for role-playing games.
Open source toolkit for Mafia games. (Mafia II, Mafia III, Mafia DE)
Map editor for C&C: Red Alert 2, C&C: Tiberian Sun and Dawn of the Tiberium Age.
Tile / Sprite / Map Editor
A BYOND language smartness provider, map renderer, and more.
XYZ Maps is an open-source map editor written in TypeScript.
Qt based tool for editing maps generated by ROS gmapping package.
A DOOM and Duke Nukem 3D style game with ray-casting, featuring a level editor and multiplayer from scratch in C
Main repository for Valhalla, a first-person shooter game project inspired by old school and modern titles.
Kirby's Dream Course / Kirby Bowl level editor (C++ / Qt)
#安卓#N-Space: a mobile app for building 3D interactive worlds