Unity / XNA game patcher and plugin framework
翻译 - Unity游戏修补程序和插件框架
The Education library from the Xbox Live Indie games repository, valuable for MonoGame Developers for advanced samples
The ultimate community-driven, and open-source competitive rhythm game available on Steam.
翻译 - 🎶最终的社区驱动的开源竞争性节奏游戏。
最轻量、高效、透明、稳定的多币种矿池、矿池代理、矿池中转。支持 BTC, ETC, RVN, NicaHash, XNA, ETHW, Ergo 等币种。自定义抽水账号及比例,高性能数据中转算法,无任何share损耗。具有高效的抽水算法,保证精确抽水。支持多端口监听及多矿池连接,同时接入3000+矿机性能稳定且不掉线。The lightest, most efficient, transparen...
An open-source 3D colony management game for PC, Mac and Linux
This is a collection of useful game-development links including, but not restricted to, development with MonoGame.
Cross-platform 2D game engine focused on ultimate productivity built in .NET
Open Rails: free train simulator that supports the world's largest range of digital content.
XNA / MonoGame based client for playing classic Command & Conquer games both online and offline with a CnCNet game spawner.
A 2d game that aspires to be similar to Rimworld, with more depth, magic, and RPG concepts.
Modular game engine built with MonoGame, with GMS2-like workflow and advanced level editor