O-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Analysis
The Point Processing Toolkit (pptk) is a Python package for visualizing and processing 2-d/3-d point clouds.
PlenOctree Volume Rendering (supports CUDA & fragment shader backends)
翻译 - PlenOctree体积渲染(支持CUDA和片段着色器后端)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Grasping from Octrees
UFOMap: An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework That Embraces the Unknown
DBScan algorithm using Octrees to cluster 3D points in a space with PCL Library
Octree/Quadtree/N-dimensional linear tree
A dynamic, loose octree implementation written in C# as a .NET Standard 2.1 library
Benchmark of various spatial data structures for collision detection.
Open source library for scientific HPC
Spatial index library with R*Tree, STR-Tree, Quadtree, CritBit, KD-Tree, CoverTree and PH-Tree
Flying pathfinding prototype using an Octree in Unity 3D
3D polygonal mesh renderer with dynamic level-of-detail (LOD).
Quad/octree building for FMMs in Python and OpenCL