Godot/Unity3D System Design Architecture
翻译 - 您的第一个K.I.S.S Unity 3D框架。
📚 Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET
翻译 - 适用于Mono和.NET的Lite可靠UDP库
Netcode for GameObjects is a high-level netcode SDK that provides networking capabilities to GameObject/MonoBehaviour workflows within Unity and sits on top of underlying transport layer.
翻译 - 一个为Unity Engine构建的游戏网络框架,用于抽象游戏网络概念。
Graphic Engine & Game Engine lists
The solution that allows unity games to update in runtime. 使Unity开发的游戏支持热更新的解决方案。
用以创建 Unity TextMeshPro 中文字体,3500 / 7000 常用汉字库、符号库。Used to create Unity TextMeshPro Chinese font.
Customizable radial progress bar shader for Unity3D. Allows you to set arc range, minimum and maximum colors, textures, radius, and a few more things. Create HP Bars, Speedometers, rank progress, etc!
翻译 - 可自定义的Unity3D径向进度条着色器。允许您设置圆弧范围,最小和最大颜色,纹理,半径以及更多其他内容。创建HP酒吧,车速表,排名进度等!
❄️ Test of a frosted glass material in Unity.
Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences.
This repository hosts a shader for Unity3D whose main goal is to facilitate the creation of neon-like signs, conveyor belts and basically whatever based on scrolling textures
This repository contains samples, documentation, and supporting scripts for Maps SDK, a Microsoft Garage project.
翻译 - 该存储库包含Microsoft Garage项目Maps SDK的示例,文档和支持脚本。
#IOS#Unity plugin to support Sign In With Apple Id
Fast KDTree for Unity, with thread-safe querying.
Highly customizable sci-fi shield / force field shader for Unity3D. Allows you to set edge power & color, inner texture scrolling, waviness, scale pulsation and procedural intensity noise. Implements ...