A maintained collection of useful & free unity scripts / library's / plugins and extensions
Godot/Unity3D System Design Architecture
翻译 - 您的第一个K.I.S.S Unity 3D框架。
📚 Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
Simple and powerful Unity3d game workflow! 简单、高效、高度工业化的商业级unity3d 工作流。
The solution that allows unity games to update in runtime. 使Unity开发的游戏支持热更新的解决方案。
Unity Procedural Level Generator
C # Game Framework, but not limited to games. Can be used for non game business development
#IOS#Unity plugin to support Sign In With Apple Id
#Awesome#A curated list of open-source Unity games.
Free and paid game assets and game resources for 2D games, 3D games, mobile games, Steam games, Unity games, and other games.
An optimized approach to lists with dozens of elements and a Pooling system
Generic UI for card games like Hearthstone, Magic Arena and Slay the Spire...
A texture maker tool for Unity.
翻译 - 统一的纹理制作工具。
Obfuscator for .NET and Mono, with a customizable engine for building your own obfuscators.
Unity tutorial to learn how to make a complete 2D Shoot'em Up