The solution that allows unity games to update in runtime. 使Unity开发的游戏支持热更新的解决方案。
Faygo is a fast and concise Go Web framework that can be used to develop high-performance web app(especially API) with fewer codes. Just define a struct handler, faygo will automatically bind/verify t...
翻译 - Faygo是一个快速,简洁的Go Web框架,可用于以更少的代码开发高性能的Web应用程序(尤其是API)。只需定义一个结构处理程序,faygo就会自动绑定/验证请求参数并生成在线API文档。
The OxGFrame is a framework based on Unity for accelerating game development. Supports multi-platform Win, OSX, Android, iOS, WebGL.
The flutter_dynamic is a library that create flutter application dynamic.
A toolkit providing dynamic ability for React Native App.
Use Lua scripting language in Unity to accomplish hot update/fix functionality
A react native code push server written in Go
React 沙盒 📦,可理解为 React 版的 eval() 。该沙盒运行机制可使基于 React 实现的小程序框架「如 Taro3 等」拥有 🚀 热更新能力。
#安卓#a client SDK for updating React Native app(s) dynamically
How to use catlib for ilruntime component
#IOS#react-native iOS增量热更新实现Demo
hot update js code for nodejs server without restarting | 热更新node.js的js文件
A universal Webpack hot-module-replacement server for isomorphic coders.