JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotf...
翻译 - JSPatch使用Objective-C运行时桥接了Objective-C和Javascript。您可以通过包含一个小型引擎来调用JavaScript中的任何Objective-C类和方法。 JSPatch通常用于修补iOS App。
#安卓#AndFix is a library that offer hot-fix for Android App.
翻译 - AndFix是一个为Android App提供修复程序的库。
#安卓#A small framework to split app into small parts
翻译 - 一个小框架,可将应用拆分为小部分
#安卓#Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability. Robust can fix bugs immediately without a reboot.
翻译 - Robust是具有高兼容性和高稳定性的Android HotFix解决方案。强大的功能可以立即修复错误,而无需重新启动。
Simple and powerful Unity3d game workflow! 简单、高效、高度工业化的商业级unity3d 工作流。
The solution that allows unity games to update in runtime. 使Unity开发的游戏支持热更新的解决方案。
InjectFix is a hot-fix solution library for Unity
翻译 - InjectFix是Unity的热修复解决方案库
🚀 Blazing Fast Hot Updates for React Native
#IOS#MangoFix is a DSL which syntax is very similar to Objective-C,MangoFix is also an iOS App hotfix SDK. You can use MangoFix method replace any Objective-C or Swift method.
基于.Netcore的开发效率高,性能强,跨平台,持久化层透明,支持不停服热更新的游戏服务器。Best for your unity game server!
#IOS#Execute Objective-C code as script. AST Interpreter. iOS hotfix SDK.