#安卓#jadx 是一个Java反编译工具。可通过GUI或命令行,从 Android Dex 和 Apk 文件生成 Java 源代码
#安卓#Android and Java bytecode viewer
翻译 - 分析任何基于Android / Java的应用或游戏
#安卓#Reverse engineering and pentesting for Android applications
翻译 - 逆向工程,Android应用程序的恶意软件和良好软件分析……以及更多(忍者!)
#区块链#Sea protocol is the ultimate DEX base on order-book & AMM on Aptos & Sui.Anybody has the right to trade any asset anywhere, anytime!
#安卓#LIEF - Library to Instrument Executable Formats (C++, Python, Rust)
翻译 - LIEF-仪器可执行格式的库
The OpenSource Disassembler
翻译 - 开源反汇编程序
#安卓#📓Material Design风格的开源照片笔记。(MVP+Dagger2+RxJava+AspectJ+Dex处理)
Apk控制流混淆;Apk-Dex2C;Res资源混淆;Dex、jar、smali文件的相互转换; Dex、Pdf文件合并; Apk、dex、jar混淆和字符串加密; Apk签名、共存; Res资源混淆; Dex、AXML、ARSC文件编辑及翻译;字符串加密(Apk、dex); 一键添加Xposed检测,一键添加弹窗、对话框; axml反编译/回编译; 一键LOG添加; 一键添加字符串解密LOG,...
#安卓#[Official] Android reverse engineering tool focused on dynamic instrumentation automation leveraging Frida. It disassembles dex, analyzes it statically, generates hooks, discovers reflected methods, s...
翻译 - [官方] Android逆向工程专注于动态仪表自动化。由弗里达提供动力。它拆卸DEX,静态分析它,生成挂钩,发现反射方法,存储截获数据,并从中获取新事物。它的目的是成为一体化的Android逆向工程平台。
#区块链#Public Blockchain as a Decentralized Finance Infrastructure Service Platform
翻译 - 公共区块链作为去中心化经济基础设施服务平台
#安卓#Tool to decompile & extract Android Dex bytecode from Vdex files
🦄 The unofficial Python client for the Uniswap exchange.
翻译 - 🦄 The unofficial Python client for the Uniswap exchange.
#安卓#Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile, it can help developer to protect source code by control flow flattening, and make it difficult to analyze the actual program control flow.
翻译 - Black Obfuscator是Android APK DexFile的混淆器,它可以帮助开发者通过控制流扁平化来保护源代码,并使分析实际程序控制流变得困难。
A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a unity il2cpp game. Write code on a apk file elegantly.
翻译 - 当apk是统一的il2cpp游戏时,可以将apk文件转换为标准android项目的工具包括钩子api和il2cpp c ++脚手架。