Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
翻译 - 适用于交易策略的Python回测库
🔎 📈 🐍 💰 Backtest trading strategies in Python.
翻译 - :mag_right::chart_with_upwards_trend::snake::moneybag:回溯Python中的交易策略。
#区块链# Find your trading edge, using the fastest engine for backtesting, algorithmic trading, and research.
翻译 - Python库,用于大规模回测和分析交易策略
#Awesome# A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more | 量化交易 | 量化投资
A high-frequency trading and market-making backtesting and trading bot in Python and Rust, which accounts for limit orders, queue positions, and latencies, utilizing full tick data for trades and orde...
#计算机科学# Algorithmic Trading in Python with Machine Learning
Open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems
Trading bot with support for realtime trading, backtesting, custom strategies and much more.
Time Series Cross-Validation -- an extension for scikit-learn
翻译 - 时间序列交叉验证-scikit-learn的扩展