Lodash 风格的 Go 语言库
A set of event dispatcher abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
翻译 - 从Symfony组件中提取的一组事件调度程序抽象
A set of service abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
翻译 - 从Symfony组件中提取的一组服务抽象
A set of translation abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
翻译 - 从Symfony组件中提取的一组翻译抽象
A set of cache abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices
翻译 - 触发弃用通知的通用功能和约定
A set of HTTP client abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
翻译 - 从Symfony组件中提取的一组HTTP客户端抽象
#区块链#Official Go implementation of the Bytom protocol
翻译 - Bytom协议的官方Go实施
A simple, fluent, extensible, and fully customizable library for throwing exceptions for projects using .NET 6+
The reference implementation of the ERC-721 non-fungible token standard.
#区块链#Public Blockchain as a Decentralized Finance Infrastructure Service Platform
翻译 - 公共区块链作为去中心化经济基础设施服务平台
A community-developed, free, opensource, automated testing framework for microservices APIs, Kafka(Data Streams), Databases and Load testing. Zerocode Open Source enables you to create, change and mai...
翻译 - 社区开发的,免费的,开放源代码的,声明性的API自动化和负载测试框架,使用Java JUnit核心运行程序构建,用于HTTP REST,SOAP,安全性,数据库,Kafka等。它使创建和维护测试用例非常容易。
A highly optimised, light-weight JS utility for Ethereum.
🏝 automated contract testing via type checking for Elixir functions and mocks
The Plain Contract is a crowsourced, open source freelance contract template, written in plain language.
🧬 The fastest parser in the entire JavaScript ecosystem with a focus on small bundle size and top-notch DX