A fast, feature-rich static code analyzer & language server for Python
🏝 automated contract testing via type checking for Elixir functions and mocks
Mago is a toolchain for PHP that aims to provide a set of tools to help developers write better code.
🚧 (Alpha stage software) A declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats. 🚧
JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration.
🚨 Enhanced TypeScript support for Parcel
Hypertypes - generic programming for heterogeneous recursive types
TypeScript friendly Data validator for JavaScript.
Normalization by evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with dependent records
Typeis. it's the smart and simple javaScript type checker
Experimental Python Type Checker and LSP 🔎
Swift type checking and semantic analysis for developer tools
A work-in-progress core language for Agda, in Agda
A PEG Parsing Tool
Static Python Code Analyzer
An implementation of MacroML [Ganz, Sabry & Taha 2001]