String validation
翻译 - 字符串验证
The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927)
翻译 - 最快的JSON Schema Validator。支持草案04/06/07
📱🚀 🧩 Cross Device & High Performance Normal Form/Dynamic(JSON Schema) Form/Form Builder -- Support React/React Native/Vue 2/Vue 3
翻译 - ⚡为企业提供高性能表格(JSON Schema Form)解决方案。
PHP Email address validator
翻译 - 受@dominicsayers isemail函数启发的PHP电子邮件地址验证程序库
Decorator-based property validation for classes.
翻译 - 使用TypeScript装饰器使验证变得容易。
✅ Painless Vue forms
翻译 - ✔Vue.js的模板驱动验证框架
An express.js middleware for validator.js.
The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP
翻译 - 为PHP创建的最强大的验证引擎
Super-fast/easy runtime validators and serializers via transformation
本程序是基于 C# 语言进行编写的宝可梦核心系列游戏存档编辑器。
An idiomatic Go (golang) validation package. Supports configurable and extensible validation rules (validators) using normal language constructs instead of error-prone struct tags.
翻译 - 惯用的Go(golang)验证套件。使用常规语言构造而不是容易出错的构造标记支持可配置和可扩展的验证规则(验证器)。
A new full-featured and high-performance TypeScript framework
Khronos-reference front end for GLSL/ESSL, partial front end for HLSL, and a SPIR-V generator.
翻译 - GLSL / ESSL的Khronos参考前端,HLSL的部分前端和SPIR-V发生器。
Validate XML, Parse XML and Build XML rapidly without C/C++ based libraries and no callback.
🎉UI Toolkit for Web, Vue3.0
翻译 - 🎉适用于Web的UI工具包,Vue2.0
⚡ Fast, async, stream-based link checker written in Rust. Finds broken URLs and mail addresses inside Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText, websites and more!
A boilerplate project created in flutter using MobX and Provider.
#大语言模型#NestJS Helper + AI Chatbot Development
An interesting go struct tag expression syntax for field validation, etc.
翻译 - 有趣的go struct标记表达式语法,用于字段验证等。