#大语言模型#NestJS Helper + AI Chatbot Development
📋 Validation resolvers: Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, typanion, Ajv, TypeBox, ArkType, Valibot, effect-ts, VineJS and Standard Schema
REST API boilerplate using NodeJS and KOA2, typescript. Logging and JWT as middlewares. TypeORM with class-validator, SQL CRUD. Docker included. Swagger docs, actions CI and valuable README
Python implementation of Domain Notification Pattern
FormBuilder + class-transformer + class-validator = dynamic form group builder for Angular
Prisma 2+ generator to emit typescript models of your database with class validator
The definitive ORM for working with PouchDB. Native support for Typescript.
Additional validators for class-validator.
upushy 热更新后端。https://upushy.yoouu.cn/
Start your NestJS project quickly
NestJS (Express + Prisma+ GraphQL + PostgreSQL + Docker + CQRS) ready for deployment. GitHubActions + Jest (E2E tests + Unit Tests) + I18N + Full validation + 100% coverage + Stripe Errors Like + Husk...
End-to-end type-safety with Nest & React
React hook for validating forms with class-validator
React validation form core lib
Um decorator customizado para validar CPF usando como base o pacote class-validator
React-Native UI lib for validation forms
ValidateCallback decorator for class-validator
☕️ REST API using Node with typescript, KOA framework. TypeORM for MySQL.