Calendso 是一个日程管理和预约工具,是 Calendly 的开源替代品。
create-t3-app 是一个交互式命令行脚手架工具,用于快速生成基于NextJs的web应用模板
The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React
翻译 - React Starter Kit —同构Web应用程序样板(Node.js,Express,GraphQL,React.js,Babel,PostCSS,Webpack,Browsersync)
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native
Rallly is an open-source scheduling and collaboration tool designed to make organizing events and meetings easier.
Fullstack TypeScript toolkit that enhances Prisma ORM with flexible Authorization layer for RBAC/ABAC/PBAC/ReBAC, offering auto-generated type-safe APIs and frontend hooks.
OpenAPI support for tRPC 🧩
RPC framework based on C++ Workflow. Supports SRPC, Baidu bRPC, Tencent tRPC, thrift protocols.
翻译 - 基于 C++ 工作流的 RPC。支持百度bRPC、腾讯tRPC、thrift协议。
#大语言模型#NestJS Helper + AI Chatbot Development
Automated API Testing and Quality Assurance
Cutting-edge tools powering Angular full-stack development.
Full stack meta-framework for building iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with Tamagui and deploying to Cloudflare.
🚀 Start UI [web] is an opinionated UI starter with 🟦 TypeScript, ⚛️ React, ⚫️ NextJS, ⚡️ Chakra UI, 🟦 tRPC, 🔐 Lucia Auth, ▲ Prisma, 🏖️ TanStack Query, 📕 Storybook, 🎭 Playwright,📋 React Hook F...
A framework for building typesafe web backends in Rust
Swell: API development tool that enables developers to test endpoints served over streaming technologies including Server-Sent Events (SSE), WebSockets, HTTP2, GraphQL, gRPC, and tRPC..
Fullstack SaaS Boilerplate built with tRPC, Fastify and React
End-to-end typesafe APIs with for your SvelteKit applications.