Calendso 是一个日程管理和预约工具,是 Calendly 的开源替代品。
create-t3-app 是一个交互式命令行脚手架工具,用于快速生成基于NextJs的web应用模板
一个URL缩短服务。带有分析统计 + 免费自定义域名
The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
Papermark is the open-source DocSend alternative with built-in analytics and custom domains.
Admin Dashboard Starter with Nextjs14 and shadcn ui
Badget aims to simplify financial management with a user-friendly interface and robust backend
Next.js + Tailwind + Typescript + Drizzle + NextAuth + PostgreSQL starter template.
An out-of-the-box admin based on NextJS and AntDesign | 一款基于nextjs+antd5.0的中后台系统